We are very sad that you decided to cancel your booking. We hope to server you again. Please note our cancellation policy below and if you have any questions, call us at +9199430 888812.
Our standard Cancellation terms
1. 100% Refund for cancellation done before 4 days of arrival.
2. 75% refund for cancellation done before 3 days of arrival.
3. 50% refund for cancellation done before 2 days of arrival.
4. 25% refund for cancellation done before 1 day arrival.
5. Nil refund for cancellation done on the day of arrival.
Please note if you had paid online your refund will be triggered with in 24 hours of your cancellation
Guest must carry a copy of the reservation along with the govt valid address id proof upon check in
Guest must deposit there room keys at the reception desk to complete the check out procedures
Guest should ensure to carry there valid passport and visa for non residential guest of india